Who else am I? Roz Morris ghostwriting


Confidentiality forbids me to tell you who my literary alter egos are, but they include a former member of the SAS, a children’s fantasy writer, a rock star bodyguard and a former City executive who went to Europe to become a wine grower. More are being added all the time…

I get enthusiastic reviews from readers and my sales for some of the titles exceed 500,000 copies each.

I was interviewed for How to Write a Blockbuster by Lee Weatherley and Helen Corner, published by Hodder, although we then realised she couldn’t include our conversation because my ghostwriting identity was meant to be a secret!


If you’d like me to help with your book, script, your grand plan or any project that requires storytelling, check out my consultancy services

Want to try your hand at ghostwriting? I have just the thing. Online in-depth course

Become a ghost-writer Roz Morris

Find my books (the ones I can admit to!)

Speaking and tutoring

My writing process – the picture tour

What’s my genre?